Issue with file save from tester to /MQL5/Files/

//|                                                    file_test.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   int filehandle=FileOpen("fractals.csv",FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV|FILE_COMMON); 
      FileWrite(filehandle,TimeCurrent(),Symbol(), EnumToString(_Period)); 
      Print("FileOpen OK"); 
   else Print("Operation FileOpen failed, error ",GetLastError()); 
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

The above code prints "FileOpen OK" however, there is no file to be seen in the common folder /MQL5/Files, nor in the tester sandbox /Files/ location.

Usually the human is in error so, am i missing something here?

Enrique Dangeroux:

The above code prints "FileOpen OK" however, there is no file to be seen in the common folder /MQL5/Files, nor in the tester sandbox /Files/ location.

Usually the human is in error so, am i missing something here?

Works for me from just running the EA and from the Tester.

works for me

Anthony Garot:

Works for me from just running the EA and from the Tester.

Thanks for investigating. 

Strange, i run MT5 build 2085. Running the EA also gives me zero file.

Enrique Dangeroux:

Thanks for investigating. 

Strange, i run MT5 build 2085. Running the EA also gives me zero file.

I am running same build. Windows 7.

When i remove the FILE_COMMON flag, i do get the file in /MQL5/Files when i run the EA and when i run EA in Tester the file is also created in the agents folder. Just as you would expect.

But with FILE_COMMON, it creates no files, not in either of the two locations.

Enrique Dangeroux: But with FILE_COMMON, it creates no files, not in either of the two locations.

Because it should not. Not in /files. Not in /tester/files. Only in the common/files folder.


For some reason i had /MQL5/Files in mind as common files folder. Corrected now.

Thanks you both!