How to upgrade from Monthly hired VPS to annually ?


Currently, I have VPS monthly rentals ($ 10) with automatic renewal.

What is the procedure for moving them into quarterly rental?
I imagine that it is possible to change this somewhere (where?), Or do you have to delete the automatic renewal (where to do it?) And when the VPS rental expires at the end of the month, re-subscribe this quarterly + auto renewal?

Only the 2nd option is available.

cancel the automatic re-subscribe, and after that, create a new instance, is only way.
ok, thanks.

A bit strange to lose the money you paid for the current months for the current VPS, but... noted !

Thanks again !
Revo Trades:
cancel the automatic re-subscribe, and after that, create a new instance, is only way.
That fine for me, and you don't lose any money this way.
How/where do you cancel automatic re-subscribe on the existing instance ?