signal - question for MQL5 Support


Hello MQL5 Support

I have been subscribing to "name removed" for the last 2 months.

I see is has now been cancelled.

Apparently you (MQL5) don't believe the subscribers (like me) actually do exist ?!

I have a profile on your website , what additional information / FCA would you perhaps require from me to resolve this situation?

I have been happy with the quality and fee of the signal and would love to see it make a come back.


Hello MQL5 Support

I have been subscribing to "name removed" for the last 2 months.

I see is has now been cancelled.

Apparently you (MQL5) don't believe the subscribers (like me) actually do exist ?!

I have a profile on your website , what additional information / FCA would you perhaps require from me to resolve this situation?

I have been happy with the quality and fee of the signal and would love to see it make a come back.

Contact the signal's author, this has nothing to do with