dll esterna


Buongiorno a tutti.

Volevo utilizzare una dll personalizzata mql4, che normalmente è collocata nella cartella MQL4 \ librerie.

E 'possibile collocarla in una cartella su chiave usb e richiamarla su un expert (#import .........).

Grazie per eventuale risposta


Goodmorning everyone. I wanted to use a customized mql4 dll, which is normally located in the MQL4 library folder. It is possible to place it in a folder on a USB key and call it on an expert (#import .........). Thanks for any reply Paul


Goodmorning everyone.

I wanted to use a customized mql4 dll, which is normally located in the MQL4 library folder.

It is possible to place it in a folder on a USB key and call it on an expert (#import .........).

Thanks for any reply


Goodmorning everyone. I wanted to use a customized mql4 dll, which is normally located in the MQL4 library folder. It is possible to place it in a folder on a USB key and call it on an expert (#import .........). Thanks for any reply Paul

This is programming questio ... but as far as I know - every file for Metatrader is having the own folder (and it is not USB for example sorry).


Goodmorning everyone. I wanted to use a customized mql4 dll, which is normally located in the MQL4 library folder. It is possible to place it in a folder on a USB key and call it on an expert (#import .........). Thanks for any reply Paul

You may be able to connect folders that are on a different drive using the Windows feature "Directory junction".

How to: At the command prompt run as follows. (Connect to "DLL" folder on U drive)

If you do not know Windows command operation, I think you should not do it.

mklink /J "C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\xxxxxxxxxx\MQL4\Libraries" "U:\DLL"

Naguisa Unada :

Potresti essere in grado di connettere le cartelle su Windows "Directory junction".

Vieni: Al prompt dei comandi eseguire come segue. (Connetti alla cartella "DLL" sull'unità U)

Se non si conosce l'operazione di comando di Windows, penso che non si dovrebbe farlo.

mklink / J "C: \ Users \ xxxx \ AppData \ Roaming \ MetaQuotes \ Terminal \ xxxxxxxxxx \ MQL4 \ Libraries" "U: \ DLL"
