MT4 report generation


Hoping someone has some suggestions for how to resolve the below.

A broker I use only offers reports generated via MT4.

The figures are accurate for closed trades but I'm still struggling with how to generate an accurate report for a specified period for open trades.

e.g. I want to see what the performance of all of my trades was for a specified period, let's say 1-31 August 2018. The figures for closed trades will be accurate, however the figures for open trades show me cumulative figures (i.e. for a trade opened in April 2018, the PnL as of 31 August 2018, but also all charges incurred since then on an accrued basis. All I want to see is what happened during the reporting period. In this case 1-31 Aug 2018.

Any suggestions?

Link your account to an external resource or start a signal here on MQL5 which can be of private or public nature. With this now information will be gahtered for you about your whole accounts trading activity.