When I use file function of MT4 and MT5 with FILE_COMMON|FILE_TXT, the string conversion is broken like 㜳㔵〹㐵唺䑓偊㩙⸰㄰〰〰〰〺㍀


I don't know why but when I use file function of MT4 and MT5 with FILE_COMMON|FILE_TXT,

the string conversion is broken like 㜳㔵〹㐵唺䑓偊㩙⸰㄰〰〰〰〺㍀.(the original string is 37559054:USDJPY:0.01000000:0@)

When I use FILE_WRITE on MT5 and use FILE_READ on MT4, there was no problem.

However, When I use FILE_WRITE on MT4 and use FILE_READ on MT5, there is no problem.

I tried specifying CP_ACP and CP_UTF8 with all combinations but it didn't work.

Does anyone knows how to solve this problem?

I solved it by myself. FILE_ANSI  was missing.