I want to limit my EA to only trade a maximum of 2 times per 5 minutes


Dear reader,

I want to limit my EA to only trade a maximum of 2 times per 5 minutes but I can't figure out the code. Anyone that can help me out?

Thanks in advance!!

2 times per 5 minutes or 2 times per 5 minute bar? They are different.
  1. Latter is easy. Reset on a new M5 bar. Count new orders.
    static datetime timeM5=0; static int countM5=0, duration = PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M5);
    datetime now =  TimeCurrent(), nowM5 = now - now % duration;
    if(nowM5 != timeM5){ timeM5=nowM5; countM5=0; }
    if(countM5 >= 2) return;
    if(sendOK) ++countM5;

  2. Former is a bit harder since you have two times. Un-count old orders, count new ones.
    static datetime timeM5[2]={0,0}; static int countM5=0, duration = PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M5);
    datetime now =  TimeCurrent();
    if(timeM5[1] != 0 && now - timeM5[1] > duration{ timeM5[1]=0; --countM5; }
    if(timeM5[0] != 0 && now - timeM5[0] > duration{ timeM5[0]=0; --countM5; }
    if(countM5 >= 2) return;
    if(sendOK){ timeM5[1]=timeM5[0]; timeM5[0]=now; ++countM5; }