How to Count Total Number & Separate New Line the Label?


Hi guys, I want to count the total number &  separate new line from the multiple of label (string) that have same value. Example: Sun Opposition with Mercury & Venus Opposition with Mars.
At the moment, my code use OBJPROP_YDISTANCE & plus the range to separate the lines.
So how to separate the same label, in the example is Opposition?  

Here's the code:

void Print_PriceAspectHover(string linename, int bar, double rangesunmoon, double longitudesun, double longitudemercury, double longitudepastmercury, double longitudevenus, double longitudepastvenus, double longitudemars, double longitudepastmars)
        string initiateline = linename + " ";
        string majorname=StringConcatenate(LabelID, "-", initiateline);

        int y=1;

        string sCommentOpposition = "";
        string sCommentSquare = "";
        string sCommentSemiSquare = "";

        if(ObjectFind(majorname) != 0)
                int obj_total = ObjectsTotal();
                string objectname, objdescription;
                int obj_type;
                int counter = 0;

                for(int i=0; i<obj_total; i++)

                        if (Show_Opposition==true)
                                if (aspecthargasun>=180.0 && aspecthargasun<=180.0)
                                        if (Show_Sun==true)
                                                sCommentOpposition = planetname[0] + " Opposition with " + planetnature[0];
                                if (aspecthargamercury>=180.0 && aspecthargamercury<=180.0)
                                        if (Show_Mercury==true)
                                                sCommentOpposition = planetname[0] + " Opposition with " + planetnature[2];
                                if (aspecthargavenus>=180.0 && aspecthargavenus<=180.0)
                                        if (Show_Venus==true)
                                                sCommentOpposition = planetname[0] + " Opposition with " + planetnature[3];
                                if (aspecthargamars>=180.0 && aspecthargamars<=180.0)
                                        if (Show_Mars==true)
                                                sCommentOpposition = planetname[0] + " Opposition with " + planetnature[4];

                        if (Show_Square==true)
                                if (aspecthargasun>=90.0 && aspecthargasun<=90.0)
                                        if (Show_Sun==true)
                                                sCommentSquare = planetname[0] + " Square with " + planetnature[0];
                                if (aspecthargamercury>=90.0 && aspecthargamercury<=90.0)
                                        if (Show_Mercury==true)
                                                sCommentSquare = planetname[0] + " Square with " + planetnature[2];
                                if (aspecthargavenus>=90.0 && aspecthargavenus<=90.0)
                                        if (Show_Venus==true)
                                                sCommentSquare = planetname[0] + " Square with " + planetnature[3];
                                if (aspecthargamars>=90.0 && aspecthargamars<=90.0)
                                        if (Show_Mars==true)
                                                sCommentSquare = planetname[0] + " Square with " + planetnature[4];

                        if (Show_SemiSquare==true)
                                if (aspecthargasun>=45.0 && aspecthargasun<=45.0)
                                        if (Show_Sun==true)
                                                sCommentSemiSquare = planetname[0] + " SemiSquare with " + planetnature[0];
                                if (aspecthargamercury>=45.0 && aspecthargamercury<=45.0)
                                        if (Show_Mercury==true)
                                                sCommentSemiSquare = planetname[0] + " SemiSquare with " + planetnature[2];
                                if (aspecthargavenus>=45.0 && aspecthargavenus<=45.0)
                                        if (Show_Venus==true)
                                                sCommentSemiSquare = planetname[0] + " SemiSquare with " + planetnature[3];
                                if (aspecthargamars>=45.0 && aspecthargamars<=45.0)
                                        if (Show_Mars==true)
                                                sCommentSemiSquare = planetname[0] + " SemiSquare with " + planetnature[4];

                        objectname = ObjectName(i);
                        objdescription = ObjectDescription(objectname);
                        obj_type = ObjectType(ObjectName(objectname));
                        if(objectname=="sCommentOpposition" && objectname >= 2)
                                Print("Number Object: ", objectname, objdescription, counter, obj_type);

        ObjectCreate(majorname + "sCommentOpposition", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
        ObjectSetText(majorname + "sCommentOpposition", sCommentOpposition, TextSize, FontType, TextColor);
        ObjectSet(majorname + "sCommentOpposition", OBJPROP_CORNER, right_left);
        ObjectSet(majorname + "sCommentOpposition", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x_distance);
        ObjectSet(majorname + "sCommentOpposition", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y_distance+111);

        ObjectCreate(majorname + "sCommentSquare", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
        ObjectSetText(majorname + "sCommentSquare", sCommentSquare, TextSize, FontType, TextColor);
        ObjectSet(majorname + "sCommentSquare", OBJPROP_CORNER, right_left);
        ObjectSet(majorname + "sCommentSquare", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x_distance);
        ObjectSet(majorname + "sCommentSquare", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y_distance+122);

        ObjectCreate(majorname + "sCommentSemiSquare", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
        ObjectSetText(majorname + "sCommentSemiSquare", sCommentSemiSquare, TextSize, FontType, TextColor);
        ObjectSet(majorname + "sCommentSemiSquare", OBJPROP_CORNER, right_left);
        ObjectSet(majorname + "sCommentSemiSquare", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x_distance);
        ObjectSet(majorname + "sCommentSemiSquare", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y_distance+133);

Thanks in advanced.


Have to change these lines 

obj_type = ObjectType(ObjectName(objectname));//objectname is a string.It can be used as parameter for instruction ObjectName()
if(objectname=="sCommentOpposition" && objectname >= 2)//Why do comparing string objectname to value 2 ?

read about 

ObjectName - Object Functions - MQL4 Reference
ObjectName - Object Functions - MQL4 Reference
//| Script program start function                                    |

This line :

if (aspecthargasun>=180.0 && aspecthargasun<=180.0)

is equivalent to :

if (aspecthargasun==180.0)

Let's introduce orb value

If you want

* to check if the flag Show_oppostion is TRUE

* and define 'opposition' when aspect is between 180° - orb and 180° + orb

* and check if planete[0] is in opposition both with planetnature[0] to planetnature[4]

Codes may be changed as :

double orb = 3.0, minOpp=180-orb, maxOpp=180+orb;
if (Show_Opposition==true){
        if (aspecthargasun>=minOpp && aspecthargasun<=maxOpp && Show_Sun==true)             sCommentOpposition += planetnature[0] + " ";
        if (aspecthargamercury>=minOpp && aspecthargamercury<=maxOpp && Show_Mercury==true) sCommentOpposition += planetnature[2] + " ";
        if (aspecthargavenus>=minOpp && aspecthargavenus<=maxOpp && Show_Venus==true)       sCommentOpposition += planetnature[3] + " ";
        if (aspecthargamars>=minOpp && aspecthargamars<=maxOpp && Show_Mars==true)          sCommentOpposition += planetnature[4];
        If (StringLen(sCommentOpposition)!=0) sCommentOpposition = planetname[0] + " Opposition with " + sCommentOpposition;


Same logic for square and semi-square


Thank you for your responses bro paul selvan.
I will try your solution.

all the best