MT5 StrategyTester: Problem using Local Network Farm and FileWrite()


Hello everyone.

I've been having a problem and wanted to ask for some backup.

So, I have been running the strategy tester using multiple cores in my computer, but also using other 3 computers in my network to accelerate the process.

The problem is that, when using the function FileWrite(), this csv file will get written in the MetaQuotes/Tester/{some_hash}/Agent"3000-3008"/MQL/Files folder.

So, for each combination, the function writes a new line in the file from each Core. Each Core has a file with the same name that are the combination THAT Core solved.

But what happens with Local Network Farm? Where are the ones that were solved by the Local Network Farm?

Will this write a file in the named folder but in the other pc? No

Will this create another folder in the Local Agents writing the missing combinations solved? No

Will this combinations get stored anywhere else? I have no idea

I haven't been able to find those missing rows of combinations solved.

Not sure if someone has encountered this problem or knows how to solve it or even a workaround, It'll be much appreciated.



Is there a way MT5 creates a folder called "Agent-IP-address-port" like it's doing right now, but with the address of the Local Network Fan IP Address?

I would really appreciate some help with this.


Is there a way MT5 creates a folder called "Agent-IP-address-port" like it's doing right now, but with the address of the Local Network Fan IP Address?

I would really appreciate some help with this.

you could try the idea of shared folder and work the folder as single repo..if it's local network it should be fast..create a cmd script that will automount the shared folder

Hello everyone.

I've been having a problem and wanted to ask for some backup.

So, I have been running the strategy tester using multiple cores in my computer, but also using other 3 computers in my network to accelerate the process.

The problem is that, when using the function FileWrite(), this csv file will get written in the MetaQuotes/Tester/{some_hash}/Agent"3000-3008"/MQL/Files folder.

So, for each combination, the function writes a new line in the file from each Core. Each Core has a file with the same name that are the combination THAT Core solved.

But what happens with Local Network Farm? Where are the ones that were solved by the Local Network Farm?

Will this write a file in the named folder but in the other pc? No

Will this create another folder in the Local Agents writing the missing combinations solved? No

Will this combinations get stored anywhere else? I have no idea

I haven't been able to find those missing rows of combinations solved.

Not sure if someone has encountered this problem or knows how to solve it or even a workaround, It'll be much appreciated.


You need to use Frame. Check the documentation and forum.