Expert advisor gets removed of


Hi My Expert keeps on getting removed when i close my position

If im running this expert with an open position it works great, but as soon as i close the position and open a new one, the expert freezes and the gets removed


Please just ignore the fact about my "profit statement" i know i got that wrong..
Here you have the code

void OnTick()

  double High[];
    datetime TimeCurrent;  
   //if positions for this currency pair exist
   // count down the number of positions until zero
   for(int i=PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)
   //Calculate the ticket number
   ulong PositionTicket=PositionGetTicket(i);
   // calculate the currency pair
   string PositionSymbol=PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL);
   // calculate the current position price
   double PositionPriceCurrent = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_CURRENT);
   // calculate position open time
   datetime start =PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TIME);

   //Sort array downwards from the current candle
    //fill array from position start to tocurrent time
   // calculate the highest price
   int HighestCandel= ArrayMaximum(High,0,start);
   //Create an Array for prices
   MqlRates PriceInformation[];
   //Sort it from start to current time
   //Copy price data into the array
   int Data=CopyRates(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,start,TimeCurrent,PriceInformation);
   // Get the position start price
   double SP=PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
   double HighestPrice=PriceInformation[HighestCandel].high;
     // Get the % price difference between price high and current 
   double Profit = HighestPrice-SP;
   double Magisk = Profit*0.2;
   double Salj = HighestPrice-Magisk;
    if (PositionSymbol==_Symbol)
     "Profit : ",Profit,"\n",
     "Sälj" ,Salj,"\n", 
     "Current Price",PositionPriceCurrent,"\n",
     "Högsta" ,HighestPrice,"\n",
     "Start Pris" ,SP
    } //if End
   } //for end
  } // if end
 } // on Tic end
Here you have the code

Rather than delve into the code, have you looked at the expert log, or run GetLastError() ?  What does it tell you?