FED is starting to sell his security


This is may be why the dollar is going up.

You can see here that dollar index is going up since jan 18, next post :-)

And Here, FED is selling his security since jan 18 :



FED is doing the opposite operation than the QE :

To decrease rate, it buy security,

Now, to increase rate it sell security.

So FED don't need to increase FDD, the basic rate. It did not increase rate last time (last week)

FRED Graph | FRED | St. Louis Fed
  • fred.stlouisfed.org
Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US)   Release: H.4.1 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances   Frequency:  Notes: The total face value of U.S. Treasury securities held by the Federal Reserve. This total is broken out in the lines below. Purchases or sales of U.S. Treasury securities by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York...

ok, I cannot post a link to dollar index chart, go and see by yourself a dollar index chart, please

here another link, or tape FED or FRED TREAST
U.S. Treasury securities held by the Federal Reserve: All Maturities | FRED | St. Louis Fed
  • fred.stlouisfed.org
Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US)   Release: H.4.1 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances   Frequency:  Notes: The total face value of U.S. Treasury securities held by the Federal Reserve. This total is broken out in the lines below. Purchases or sales of U.S. Treasury securities by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York...
Dernières données économiques américaines – FRED …. en un coup d’oeil.
Dernières données économiques américaines – FRED …. en un coup d’oeil.
  • 2013.08.08
  • antidragon
  • donneeseconomiques.wordpress.com
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