How to solve problem on freelance tab


Sorry to post question on this forum , but i run-out of options.

I post order on freelance tab, I  had the response, and originally was simple 3 day order, now is almost 4 weeks. My money is frozen, and the developer is not responding to my messages. I can see this developer is taking another orders , and finishing them, but  I'm stuck. i tried contact mql website, but this is probably to small matter. i send cancel request to the developer and nothing. He didn't send me anything so from my end i receive nothing. I tried to be fair as much as possible and extend the time multiple times but on the end I'd like to move on with my work  ...what are the other options. I wont post the name of the developer ( in general he have good reviews)  ..I'd like to cancel and ask someone else for help  ...i post order 12.12, and now is 01.09     ....and original timeframe was 3 days  ...I think I have fair reason to cancel    ....and another question. Why I'm not able to cancel the order if files was not exchanged, and time is expired  ..this is not fair from mql website in the first place.

Thanks for reading this long post :)  ...this is only about $30  ...but I believe in principles    ....what are my options ???

Have you tried filing a complaint via the freelance system ?
Marco vd Heijden:
Have you tried filing a complaint via the freelance system ?

Thank You for reply

I opened Arbitration, and click to cancel the order. I have't see "complaint" button unfortunately (for me)  ..i try again  Im waiting for reply from developer, but in my opinion i should be able just to cancel is not like he send me anything :)


Please in such case file a complaint.

Thank You for help