How Arbitrator Works?


I have a job under arbitration from 2018-11-21, (when I requested) but hear nothing from customer and arbitrator as well!

We can no more use service desk. so, what should we do for arbitration requests and track it to finish/cancel/close a job?


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Mohammad Bazrkar:

I have a job under arbitration from 2018-11-21, (when I requested) but hear nothing from customer and arbitrator as well!

We can no more use service desk. so, what should we do for arbitration requests and track it to finish/cancel/close a job?

Hi Mohammad,

The only way is waiting for Arbiter, It may take a little bit longer.

I had the same issue and it took more than 20 days.

Mehdi Donyadideh Ahrab:

Hi Mohammad,

The only way is waiting for Arbiter, It may take a little bit longer.

I had the same issue and it took more than 20 days.

Let me surprise you! I'm waiting about a month!

Developer Mohammad Bazrkar has requested arbitration:
Also I have an open job, where customer said "thanks, it is working" and then vanished... more than 3months is passed, but I prefer to wait more with this too slow arbitration service.
Mohammad Bazrkar:
Also I have an open job, where customer said "thanks, it is working" and then vanished... more than 3months is passed, but I prefer to wait more with this too slow arbitration service.

That is more common as you'd think .The customers are not that familiar with the process and they assume their funds being locked down equates to you receiving them.
Use Demo restrictions in the tools you provide (while in demo stage) with a link back to the project and reminders on the screen.

Lorentzos Roussos:

That is more common as you'd think .The customers are not that familiar with the process and they assume their funds being locked down equates to you receiving them.
Use Demo restrictions in the tools you provide (while in demo stage) with a link back to the project and reminders on the screen.

Funniest things: I got two Overdue jobs because customer forgot to accept handover step; He accepted it after a long time when deadline is passed!
Mohammad Bazrkar:
Funniest things: I got two Overdue jobs because customer forgot to accept handover step; He accepted it after a long time when deadline is passed!

It happens . The issue is these projects occupy slots in your allowed open jobs

Mohammad Bazrkar:
Also I have an open job, where customer said "thanks, it is working" and then vanished... more than 3months is passed, but I prefer to wait more with this too slow arbitration service.

You must ask for an arbitration for this job too :D

Mehdi Donyadideh Ahrab:

You must ask for an arbitration for this job too :D

I wish close current Arbitration Job and then request to increase arbitration count in my resume...!
life is too hard for developers with flexible job conditions :))