SymbolInfoDouble returning le-05 - page 4

nicholi shen:

I literally gave you the exact code to do this earlier ITT. Fernando has spent a great deal of time spelling it out for you in increasingly simplified steps. What more information could you possibly need? 

Hi Guys,

sorry for the late response. I went back and read the entire conversation again and had actually totally missed some posts. I spent 4 hours cleaning the code up and applying one other change from a post I hadn't seen and surprise surprise it works.

string make_your_dang_doubles_a_string_before_concatination = DoubleToString(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_POINT), int(SymbolInfoInteger(_Symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS)));

Thank you very much for all your assistance yesterday and pointing out where my bad habits are currently.



I went back and read the entire conversation again and had actually totally missed some posts.

I've done that—missed parts of posts. It's an honest mistake.


Hi Guys,

sorry for the late response. I went back and read the entire conversation again and had actually totally missed some posts. I spent 4 hours cleaning the code up and applying one other change from a post I hadn't seen and surprise surprise it works.

Thank you very much for all your assistance yesterday and pointing out where my bad habits are currently.

Awesome, no worries, and thanks for the humble response.


 double closePrice = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice() + ((OrderStopLoss() - OrderOpenPrice()) * tpPercentage), SymbolInfoInteger(OrderSymbol(), SYMBOL_DIGITS));

possible loss of data due to type conversion

how may I solve this warning