No Mql4 support. It's only for payment issues it sucks

I wanted to ask few questions and when I wrote to help desk they only deal with payment how the ...I'm going to ask them for support on ither matters...
My friend got blocked for advertising his telegram channel and he never advertise...its an allegation..whose running this Mql4 thing? Some s..pd...guy?  
Why would you block someone for what he never did...
Can you give proof of any links he advertised if you are fair company...come on ...give proof
Otherwise unblock him please he has jobs to do...very unfair of this guy running mql4
He has to upload his indicator to market you blocked him 1 week for doing nothing...
Advertising telegram channel is not allowed.
My friend got blocked for advertising his telegram channel and he never advertise...its an allegation..whose running this Mql4 thing? Some s..pd...guy?  
Why would you block someone for what he never did...his I'd is mes004
Can you give proof of any links he advertised if you are fair company...come on ...give proof
Otherwise unblock him please he has jobs to do...very unfair of this guy running mql4
He has to upload his indicator to market you blocked him 1 week for doing nothing...

Many members here are advertising Telegram channels and trying to attract people in them for their own purposes.

This is not allowed in the website.

One week passes very quickly, if he can play by the rules, he is welcomed to continue his journey here.

My friend got blocked for advertising his telegram channel and he never advertise...its an allegation..whose running this Mql4 thing? Some s..pd...guy?  
Why would you block someone for what he never did...
Can you give proof of any links he advertised if you are fair company...come on ...give proof
Otherwise unblock him please he has jobs to do...very unfair of this guy running mql4
He has to upload his indicator to market you blocked him 1 week for doing nothing...

Your friend posted this.

"Ok. My strategy is working real good. I found out that using smallest risk and big reward is essential to making profits here even if you win less often.   i do 35 point stop loss and 140 point take profit on GOLD and  second strategy i use is 10 point stop loss and 100 point take profit on S&P us 500 index .But reason i don't share is because i give signals in my telegram channel.  I give free trials so if you want to really see it working you can join the free signals. of course my aim is to prove myself and then i can charge a fee from them.  I think thats fair enough.  I have also build my ea here that i am going to sell on the market at the moment i am having trouble uploading it."

You don't consider that advertising?? It is a blatant promotion to get people to PM him.

Yes but there is no link to advertise...
Anyways he won't even say that now I will tell him..he is blocked till 13th Nov. Can you unblock him earlier thanks.
I'm sure he won't do it again now.