Access violation generates during testing in MT5 build 1940.

OL      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40   Access violation at 0x000000013F6AC5F4 write to 0x0000000008D9C852
IS      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC390 48896C2418        mov        [rsp+0x18], rbp
MP      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC395 57                push       rdi
DR      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC396 4154              push       r12
RD      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC398 4155              push       r13
EI      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC39A 4156              push       r14
CG      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC39C 4157              push       r15
LD      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC39E 4883EC20          sub        rsp, 0x20
OQ      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC3A2 498B6904          mov        rbp, [r9+0x4]
NQ      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC3A6 33FF              xor        edi, edi
RN      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC3A8 4D8BF1            mov        r14, r9
GN      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC3AB 4D8BF8            mov        r15, r8
IN      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC3AE 4C8BE2            mov        r12, rdx
MP      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC3B1 4C8BE9            mov        r13, rcx
RE      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC3B4 4885ED            test       rbp, rbp
PI      2       18:37:37.026    Core 1  2010.09.16 09:22:40                 000000013F6AC3B7 7515              jnz        0x13f6ac3ce

The full log is attached.

20181105.log  28 kb
Me too. In many many programs working fine before the latest mt5 update.
Me too.

Welcome to the world of the "Latest-Officially-Release-is-totally-fine-believe-us"...



Is this often that we se some ASSEMBLY code in logs? Or this only in tester or some individual code?

I don't udnerstand why MQ don't offer manage versions of MT eg turn back to the previous stable etc..


It's fine to report an error/bug, but without any information about the conditions on which it happened, I am afraid it's useless.

Is this the same situation as reported by JC ?