WebRequest - TLS - invalid token Error



I wrote below code both MQL4 and MQL5, MT4 working well but MT5 can't download data, It say "TLS - invalid token Error".

   string cookie = NULL,headers; 
   char post[],result[]; 
   string _url = "http://time.is/UTC"; 
   int timeout = 60000; 
   int res = -1;

   res = WebRequest("GET",_url,cookie,NULL,timeout,post,0,result,headers); 

MT4 and MT5 both code are same. In MT4 download website data successfully but in MT5 it can't download website data it can download only text this = "TLS - invalid token Error"

Is anyone know about this issue

Anyone can reply?
Which versions of MT4 and MT5? Also try https://time.is/UTC