iMAOnArrary would not plot

int begin=!prev_calculated?rates_total-BBandPeriod-1:rates_total-prev_calculated;
   double bandsUpper, bandsLower, bandsMain, bbwidth[];
   for (int i=begin;i>=0;i--)

BBWidthAverageBuffer[i] would not plot, help appreciated.

Wilson Wong:

BBWidthAverageBuffer[i] would not plot, help appreciated.

Do a separate loop for iMAOnArray after populating the other buffer.

Keith Watford:

Do a separate loop for iMAOnArray after populating the other buffer.

int begin=!prev_calculated?rates_total-BBandPeriod-1:rates_total-prev_calculated;
   double bandsUpper, bandsLower, bandsMain, bbwidth[];
   for (int i=begin;i>=0;i--)
   //   BBWidthAverageBuffer[i]=iMAOnArray(bbwidth,0,20,0,MODE_SMA,i);

   for (int i=begin;i>=0;i--)


I did this as a separate loop, but nothing showed up either. Am I wrong in the coding?

Wilson Wong:

I did this as a separate loop, but nothing showed up either. Am I wrong in the coding?

I just noticed

 double bandsUpper, bandsLower, bandsMain, bbwidth[];

why are you not declaring bbwidth[] as a buffer? If you are going to use it as a normal array, then you will need to size it which is a waste of time when you can just make it a buffer.

Keith Watford:

I just noticed

why are you not declaring bbwidth[] as a buffer? If you are going to use it as a normal array, then you will need to size it which is a waste of time when you can just make it a buffer.

A great thanks to you, Keith. My apologies I am still a newbie in the learning of MQL and neither am I good in C++.

This time around I managed to show something in my plot. So a buffer does make things easier. I will read up more on this. Your kind pointers are most appreciated.