Writing DLL:s that interact with MQL5


I have written a few DLL:s for MT4. One of them was a 2-way communication with Excel. One problem I had was that MT4 is good at talking to C++ but can not talk to Visual Basic. On the other hand talking to Excel from C++ is awkward to put it mildly.  Using visual basic to talk to Excel is simple. Talking to Visual Basic with C++ is also awkward but it is at least minimzed. Working with "SafeArrays" is no fun though.

What changes, if any are made in the way MQL5 can  communicate with DLL:s?


Hi all:

I am converting an MQ4 Indicator to MQ5. The MQ4 Indicator uses a 32 bit DLL which works fine on the MQ4 Platform even though I am running on a 64 bit Toshiba. However, when I attempt to run the MQ5 Indicator, I get a message stating that the dll is not 64-bit version. How can this be resolved? (I dont have the source for the dll).


You should use 32-bit version terminal. Please run mt5setup from console with parameter /32
mt5setup.exe /32