Indicators: The MAD Indicator (Moving Averge Delta)


The MAD Indicator (Moving Averge Delta):

This indicator shows changes in the direction of a moving average. It works like looking with a microscope at a moving average curve.

Author: Thomas Quester


This indicator already exists... it's called Momentum. If you calculate the difference in percentage, it will be the Percentage momentum indicator, which is better, and, of course the middle line of the percentage momentum will be 100 instead of zero.


counted_bars is for optimizing iteration which in your code is not complete. Also doesn't happen if you put Bars for iteration limit.


This indicator already exists... it's called Momentum. If you calculate the difference in percentage, it will be the Percentage momentum indicator, which is better, and, of course the middle line of the percentage momentum will be 100 instead of zero.

Really, same period, same results different calculation... I went back studying :-)


This indicator already exists... it's called Momentum. If you calculate the difference in percentage, it will be the Percentage momentum indicator, which is better, and, of course the middle line of the percentage momentum will be 100 instead of zero.


I would like to see a MA on the MAD to get a smoother look of it.

Also an input for other indies (not just MA) would be a great tool!