Market Tab Number



Does anyone know what the little red number means in the Market tab of MT4 and how to clear it?





Does anyone know what the little red number means in the Market tab of MT4 and how to clear it?



I think this number represents the current loaded products in the Market tab of the terminal, but it only goes up to 74 as I checked in a few platforms of my own.

Eleni Anna Branou:

I think this number represents the current loaded products in the Market tab of the terminal, but it only goes up to 74 as I checked in a few platforms of my own.

I wonder if there is a way to clear this. I see absolutely no reason why MT4 would care to let people know how many Marketplace programs are loaded, lol. Makes no sense whatsoever.
I wonder if there is a way to clear this. I see absolutely no reason why MT4 would care to let people know how many Marketplace programs are loaded, lol. Makes no sense whatsoever.

Contact the Service Desk with your suggestion, even though I don't think they will bother for such a thing.


I always thought those represented new market products.

Just like the number at Mailbox.

Productivity - USA - MetaTrader 5
Productivity - USA - MetaTrader 5
The productivity index measures the output produced for each hour of labor worked. This indicator is useful for predicting inflation and output growth. If the cost of labor increases respective to the increase of productivity, and, moreover, if the increase in production costs is unlikely, then it will not cause inflation. It has a significant...
Delete in C:\Users\you\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Community.

It's total of new published products in the market. It will be cleared after you open market.

Delete in C:\Users\you\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Community.

Hi Kypa,

It looks like this method works as long as I don't click into the Market tab after, then the number populates again. Thank you!!

Aleksey Pak:

It's total of new published products in the market. It will be cleared after you open market.

Hi Aleksey,

I navigated to the Market tab already before I posted this thinking it might clear and it never did. Unless you have another definition of opening the market other than that.

You can switch to Linux, or Mac then it will be gone.

Marco vd Heijden:

You can switch to Linux, or Mac then it will be gone.
