Drawing arows with PLOTSETINTEGER and no arrows shown on the charts


Hi , I have an indicator that draws arrow with each doji found on the charts . But with the drawings , it does not indicate any windgings object , but instead it displays a green cross . 

Here are the codes lines : 

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   1 
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_ARROW 
#property indicator_color1  clrGreen,clrAqua,clrOrange,clrBeige,clrViolet, clrRed, clrYellow, clrMagenta, clrLightYellow  
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  3

After the properties , I have set the codes lines : 

int OnInit(void)
//--- indicator buffers mapping 
   SetIndexBuffer(1,ColorArrowColors,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX) ; 
   PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_LINE_COLOR,0, color_FIRST  );   
   PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_LINE_COLOR,1, color_SECOND   );
   PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_LINE_COLOR,2, color_THIRD   ); 
   PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_LINE_COLOR,1, color_FOURTH   );
   PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_LINE_COLOR,1, color_FIFTH   );

//--- Define the symbol code for drawing in PLOT_ARROW 
//--- Set the vertical shift of arrows in pixels 
//--- Set as an empty value 0 

It might be the PlotSetInteger with the arrow codes .

As the results , we get : 

indic 19

Is it possible to declare the arrows and the right codes for each point on the charts ? 
