Service Desk Messaging giving Errors "Data Not Saved"


Hi, i am facing an unusual problem. I have been on mql5 past two years or more. Today upon adding funds i got the emssage of having my faniancial operaltions limited. There was a button to message the Service Desk. When i wrote to the service desk  to have my limitations removed , the message would not save with Eroor"Data Not Saved. i tried logging in frommy VPS but same error keeps appearing . So now though the funds have gone through, i have rent and purchase buttons mising for my account and also service desk messaging is disabled or error ridden.

I wonder what i need to do??

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after about thirty attempts at sending the message to service desk the message seems to have gone through

MetaQuotes reported yeasterday evening -

"In the case moving the servers to the new data center - some services will be unavailable until several hours."

Sergey Golubev:

MetaQuotes reported yeasterday evening -

"In the case moving the servers to the new data center - some services will be unavailable until several hours."

They should disable the forum too, this way nothing will work.