Setting Custom Timeframe on iMA Creates Problems - page 2

  1. Then you failed to read and understand TimeScale problem - Indices - MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 programming forum #2.3 and Previous Day High-Low - Real Account - MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 programming forum #8
  2. I understood completely and showed you the problem lines and highlighted the problems.
  3. You can't find a solution even when someone shows it to you. Your problem. Step away from the keyboard and go to Freelance.
  4. I did help you. You won't learn.
  5. You be rude and expect people to help you? You be rude and expect us to waste our time when you won't even try.

I'm sorry man, I couldn't find any help in this link you provided.

The two links you have just included are very much helpful though and I really appreciate that.

I am capable of learning, no offense but it seems you come into threads ready to start a fight. I am an aspiring freelancer myself and would not learn anything from paying someone to program for me, you have to understand.

Also, every post and reply before my last reply to you was very genuine and I had no intention to come off as rude. I apologize if I came off that way.

Morgan Stiles:

I'm sorry man, I couldn't find any help in this link you provided.

The two links you have just included are very much helpful though and I really appreciate that.

I am capable of learning, no offense but it seems you come into threads ready to start a fight.

Also, every post and reply before my last reply to you was very genuine and I had no intention to come off as rude. I apologize if I came off that way.

  1. this link you provided contained apples and oranges Apples contains the first link stated in #10.1 and oranges contains the second link.
  2. You think the links are helpful, fine. I gave you them in post #2. We are now on #12. You ignored them completely and asked " I am using the iMA funciton for my MACD line?" which the links had nothing about those.
  3. You apparently can't. I linked to two separate posts with the same problem and show the same solution. You ignored them. Worse, you dismissed them with "I do not see the relevance though." No learning, no thinking. I've given you the answer you asked. I tried to help, and now you accuse me of starting a fight; more rudeness. Placed on the do not help list; I won't be bothering you again.
  4. What part of "kind of being a dick," could possibly be not interpreted as rude or worse. You certainly did have that intention.
  1. this link you provided contained apples and oranges Apples contains the first link stated in #10.1 and oranges contains the second link.
  2. You think the links are helpful, fine. I gave you them in post #2. We are now on #12. You ignored them completely and asked " I am using the iMA funciton for my MACD line?" which the links had nothing about those.
  3. You apparently can't. I linked to two separate posts with the same problem and show the same solution. You ignored them. Worse, you dismissed them with "I do not see the relevance though." No learning, no thinking. I've given you the answer you asked. I tried to help, and now you accuse me of starting a fight; more rudeness. Placed on the do not help list; I won't be bothering you again.
  4. What part of "kind of being a dick," could possibly be not interpreted as rude or worse. You certainly did have that intention.

Dude calm down, I just tried to click on the link from post #2 and it didn't open the apples and oranges that you claim. Whether it is a problem on my end or yours, the only site linked to "apples and oranges" in post #2 is

Obviously our problem lies in that. Sorry for the misguided argument, we should've clarified with each other more so I apologize. 

Yeah the hostility was intended in that message because you were acting irrationally and out of line. If you read carefully, I told you that all of my posts and replies before the last (meaning everything before I called out your dickish behavior.)

I apologize for my behavior, it is certainly out of line for me. You may try checking the link in post #2 because even now it still doesn't open the useful links mentioned.

Thanks for the good intent though, the hostility afterwards was unwarranted and unappreciated but I understand where it came from now, so thanks.

iHighest backtesting problem
iHighest backtesting problem
  • 2013.10.19
Anyone that knows what the problem might be...