Using a Nested Cycle to Calculate Array Elements?


This code example is taken straight from the MQL4 manual/tutorial.  

extern double Level=1.3200;                     // Preset level 
string Text[101];                               // Array declaration
int init()                                      // Special funct. init()
  {                                             // Assigning values
   Text[1]="one ";             Text[15]="fifteen ";
   Text[2]="two ";             Text[16]="sixteen ";
   Text[3]="three ";           Text[17]="seventeen ";
   Text[4]="four ";            Text[18]="eighteen ";
   Text[5]="five ";            Text[19]="nineteen ";
   Text[6]="six ";             Text[20]="twenty ";
   Text[7]="seven ";           Text[30]="thirty ";
   Text[8]="eight ";           Text[40]="forty ";
   Text[9]="nine ";            Text[50]="fifty ";
   Text[10]="ten ";            Text[60]="sixty";
   Text[11]="eleven ";         Text[70]="seventy ";
   Text[12]="twelve ";         Text[80]="eighty ";
   Text[13]="thirteen ";       Text[90]="ninety";
   Text[14]="fourteen ";       Text[100]= "hundred";
   // Calculating values
   for(int i=20; i<=90; i=i+10)                // Cycle for tens
      for(int j=1; j<=9; j++)                  // Cycle for units
         Text[i+j]=Text[i] + Text[j];          // Calculating value   
   return;                                     // Exit init()
int start()                                     // Special funct. start()
   int Delta=NormalizeDouble((Bid-Level)/Point,0);// Excess 
   if (Delta<=0)                                // Price is not higher than level
      Alert("Price below level");               // Alert
      return;                                   // Exit start()
   if (Delta>100)                               // Price higher than 100
      Alert("More than hundred points");        // Alert
      return;                                   // Exit start()
   Alert("Plus ",Text[Delta],"pt.");            // Displaying
   return;                                      // Exit start()

The two 'for' cycles are used to calculate string values for the index 21-99 (excluding multiples of 10).

After the first iteration:

Text[i+j]="twenty one"

My understanding is that at this point, Text[i+j] stores the element "twenty one" as a result of the calculation 'i+j' on the first iteration. 

But then on the second iteration, Text[i+j] will equal "twenty two".

So my question is essentially this:

After the first iteration, is the value of "twenty one" stored away as an element?


Will subsequent calculations of 'Text[i+j]' not impact this stored element? Or will a separate element effectively be stored to reflect the outcome of the new 'i+j' calculation?


If the above is true, what would be the index of this value? 



In the final block, what specific steps are taken for 'Text[Delta]' to gain the string value of 'Delta'?

If Delta=72:

Does 'Delta' then refer back to the previous saved array element (as a result of the for cycles) for the string value of 72? If so, how specifically does this happen... I am close to understanding this in my mind but if someone could explain the specific process/steps then I would be very appreciative! 


Thanks in advance to anyone who is kind enough to help out!

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   for(int i=0;i<=100;i++)
      Print("i=",i," ", NumToWords(i));

string NumToWords(int num) 
string kSpecialCases[] = {"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"};
string kOnesPlaces[] = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"};
string kTensPlaces[] = {"twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"};


   if (10 <= num && num <= 19) 
      return kSpecialCases[num-10];

   if (num < 10) 
      return kOnesPlaces[num];
   else if (num<100)
      if (num%10 == 0) 
         return kTensPlaces[num/10-2];
         return kTensPlaces[num/10-2] + "-" + kOnesPlaces[num%10];
return "n/a";

up to thousands

string kSpecialCases[] = {"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"};
string kOnesPlaces[] = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"};
string kTensPlaces[] = {"twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"};

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   for(int i=10995;i<=11021;i++)
      Print("i=",i," ", NumToWords(i));
string NumToWords(int num) 

   if (num<100)
      return LessHundred(num);
   else if (num<1000)
      return LessHundred(num/100) + " hundred "+((num%100>0)?LessHundred(num%100):"");
   else if (num<100000)
      return LessHundred(num/1000) + " thousand "+(((num%1000)/100>0)?LessHundred((num%1000)/100) + " hundred ":"")+((num%100>0)?LessHundred(num%100):"");
return "The number is greater than 99999";

string LessHundred (int num)
   if (10 <= num && num <= 19) 
      return kSpecialCases[num-10];
   if (num < 10) 
      return kOnesPlaces[num];
   else if (num<100)
      if (num%10 == 0) 
         return kTensPlaces[num/10-2];
         return kTensPlaces[num/10-2] + "-" + kOnesPlaces[num%10];
Taras Slobodyanik:

up to thousands



up to billions)

string kSpecialCases[] = {"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"};
string kOnesPlaces[] = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"};
string kTensPlaces[] = {"twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"};

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   for(long i=INT_MAX-50;i<=INT_MAX;i++)
      Print("i=",i," ", NumToWords(i));
string NumToWords(long num) 
string txt="";

         long tmp=num/1000000000;
         txt+=LessThousand((int)tmp)+" billion ";
         long tmp=num/1000000;
         txt+=LessThousand((int)tmp)+" million ";
         long tmp=num/1000;
         txt+=LessThousand((int)tmp)+" thousand ";
      if(txt=="" || num>0)  
   else txt="The number is greater than trillion.";
return (txt);

string LessThousand (int num)
string txt="";
   if (num>=100)
      int tmp=num/100;
      txt=kOnesPlaces[tmp]+" hundred ";
   if (10 <= num && num <= 19) 
   else if (num < 10) 
      txt+=(num==0 && txt!="")?"":kOnesPlaces[num];
      if (num%10 == 0) 
         txt+=kTensPlaces[num/10-2] + "-" + kOnesPlaces[num%10];
