Working with files - add some variables to the existing line in .CSV file


Hi friends,

I've coded to write some variables in different lines in a .CSV file. The file consists of 5 lines. Now I'd like to add some new variable to the end of the second line in my file. I'd like to know if it is possible to add some new variable to the end of the existing line in a file or not. if yes, I'd appreciate if anyone can share his idea on how to do so.

thanking in advance;

Any idea !?

I dont know about that but i usually overwrite the entire thing with the new data.


Hi friends,

I've coded to write some variables in different lines in a .CSV file. The file consists of 5 lines. Now I'd like to add some new variable to the end of the second line in my file. I'd like to know if it is possible to add some new variable to the end of the existing line in a file or not. if yes, I'd appreciate if anyone can share his idea on how to do so.

thanking in advance;

That's not a good idea to do that with a CSV file. This is something which can be done easily with a binary file.

Anyway, if your file is only 5 lines, do as suggested by Marco.