copybuffer error 4807



Trying to use copybuffer for some indicators, but it is returning error 4807 when running. I tried it for stochastics and Adaptive Moving Average, with the same error. Could only make it work for the Simple Move Average.

Thank you

input int                  Kperiod=5;                  
input int                  Dperiod=3;                  
input int                  slowing=3;                  
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       ma_method=MODE_SMA;        
input ENUM_STO_PRICE       price_field=STO_LOWHIGH;   
input string               symbol=" ";   

int    handle; 

string name=symbol; 

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()

      MqlParam pars[5]; 
      //--- o período K para cálculos 
      //--- o período D para suavização primária 
      //--- o período K final para suavização 
      //--- tipo de suavização 
      //--- método de cálculo do Estocástico 

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

   double _stoch[];

   ArraySetAsSeries(_stoch, true);

   if (CopyBuffer(handle,0,0,20,_stoch) < 0){Print("stoch error =",GetLastError());}


Trying to use copybuffer for some indicators, but it is returning error 4807 when running. I tried it for stochastics and Adaptive Moving Average, with the same error. Could only make it work for the Simple Move Average.

Thank you

I was defining the symbol the wrong way

changed to:

string name = _Symbol;