Which applied_price does iCCI uses


The function iCCI https://docs.mql4.com/indicators/icci uses ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE.

Which of the this paramter is the one the default CCI indicator uses? so that I can duplicate the same value in my code using the iCCI?

the values are here https://docs.mql4.com/constants/indicatorconstants/prices#enum_applied_price_enum


iCCI - Technical Indicators - MQL4 Reference
iCCI - Technical Indicators - MQL4 Reference
  • docs.mql4.com
iCCI - Technical Indicators - MQL4 Reference


It's easy to find it,As you may see as below:(In code : PRICE_CLOSE)


Mehrdad Jeddi:


It's easy to find it,As you may see as below:(In code : PRICE_CLOSE)


not the case here

Capture2.PNG  11 kb

not the case here

Based on the image which your have shared, you are making use of a custom indicator. It will be best to open that custom indicator in the MetaEditor, then look for your iCC( , , , , );

have a look at the 4th parameter of that method.


not the case here

Yes,As Chris Mukengeshayi mentioned you are using a custom indicator,You should open the source of that indicator by MetaEditor then see the iCCI(); function.