Convert Datetime



i want to know the actual time in sekonds since 1970 as its written also here in the output format

i try to use 

Print( StringToTime(TimeCurrent()));

but as output in the terminal i always get the format


does i do something wrong or is there an mistake in the documentation?


Documentation on MQL5: Conversion Functions / StringToTime
Documentation on MQL5: Conversion Functions / StringToTime
Conversion Functions / StringToTime - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

TImeCurrent() returns a datetime, so you don't have to use a StringToTime() function, it's already a (date)time.

If you want to format your output you have to use TimeToString(). See documentation.

Print(TimeToString( TimeCurrent()), "    ", StringToTime(TimeCurrent()) );

my code for testing

the result

i dont see that much difference


Thanks Kypa

i dont understand why i have to put long in front but it works



I see now I misread the question.


Because 1970 was a long, long time ago. :D

datetime and long are both big integers, terminal translates datetime in human-friendly form. This way you command it show it as the big integer it is, without the translation.