Indicators: CCI Color Levels


CCI Color Levels:

Modified iCCI (Commodity Channel Index, CCI) - color highlighting of zones above the UP level and below the DOWN level.

Author: Vladimir Karputov


Thank you for the indicator, I love it!

Is it possible if you could fix some minor issues?

I use a grey colour for my background and I like to change the Levels line colour to another colour.

The indicator doesn't save the colour and the added levels as I switch from one time-frame to another and back to the initial time-frame.

Everything under Levels goes back to default whenever you change the time-frame.

Please could you fix the issue.

I would appreciate if it could also, in addition, save the last used Inputs and Colors. 

Thank you in advance.


Just a thought, why should we have the outputs the same as inputs? or repeated outputs?

Those 4 "Level Up, Up, Level Down, Down" outputs should be removed, they are just confusing user.