75% Candle body


HEy Guys,

i am looking for the code for the following factor.

i would like, that my ea can calc 75% of the candle body. 

Does anybody has a solution?


HEy Guys,

i am looking for the code for the following factor.

i would like, that my ea can calc 75% of the candle body. 

Does anybody has a solution?

i use this code to get the price to put pending order  at specific price based on % .

1 param: maximum of the candle

2 param: minimum of the candle

3 param: type of position

4 param: % of desired price(based on candle body)

double GetPrecoOrdem(double maxima,double minima,ENUM_POSITION_TYPE tipo_operacao,int entrada)

         double Pips = maxima-minima;
      double porcento =  entrada / 100;
      double Pipscomporcentagem = Pips * porcento;
     double preco_entrada;
       if(tipo_operacao == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
      preco_entrada = NormalizeDouble((minima + Pipscomporcentagem),_Digits);
      }else if(tipo_operacao == POSITION_TYPE_SELL)
         preco_entrada = NormalizeDouble((maxima - Pipscomporcentagem),_Digits);
      return preco_entrada;
