IN need of a candle pip indicator

Dear friends,  I'm searching for an indicator that marks only 50 pip candles.  I would really like to enter a value of 10, 20, 30 pips etc. and the indicator would mark each candle that has that particular pip size.  If you know of anything like this please let me know.  Kind Regards


  • Usually people who can't code don't receive free help on this forum, though it could happen if you are lucky, be patient.
  • If you show your attempts and describe well your problem, you will most probably receive an answer from the community.
  • If you don't want to learn to code, nothing bad, you can either look at the Codebase if something free already exists, or in the Market for paid products (sometimes free also).
  • Finally, you also have the option to hire a programmer in the Freelance section.
Good luck.

Maybe this will help
