Read csv file with a single float number


I need to read a .csv file with a single number (say 0.45365345). Depending of this number the expert will make decisions on trading...

I have wrote the following piece of code in the start() function:

// Read the file with the probability

      int handle=FileOpen("test.csv", FILE_CSV, ';');








         PrintFormat("File %s has been successfully opened");

         //--- The opened file is not needed any more, so close it

         double current_prob=(double)FileReadFloat(handle);



However, I always obtain error code 5004. I was looking for more than one hour but every thing I try fails

I have been able to write files without problems...

I would appreciate any help. Thank you in advance


Is the file already open?


Is the file already open?

Should be closed. I create the file with python:

f = open(path_data_new + "test.csv", "wb")
writer = csv.writer(f)
entries = [0.575673]

Is the file in the correct folder?

if(!FileIsExist("test.csv")) Print("File not found!");

Is the file in the correct folder?

Yes, I've found that problem. I was checking everything with the tester and the file has to be in ~/tester/files instead of ~/MQL4/Files

Now, open the file but it returns 0 instead of 0.575673 for current_prob... I'll give a look.

Thank you

P.D. Now, it's OK. I've changed FileReadFloat by FileReadNumber...
Manuel Sanchon:

Yes, I've found that problem. I was checking everything with the tester and the file has to be in ~/tester/files instead of ~/MQL4/Files

Now, open the file but it returns 0 instead of 0.575673 for current_prob... I'll give a look.

Thank you

FileReadFloat() is for binary files. Try FileReadNumber() instead.
FileReadNumber - File Functions - MQL4 Reference
FileReadNumber - File Functions - MQL4 Reference
FileReadNumber - File Functions - MQL4 Reference

Thank you very much, it was done :)


Glad to help