How can I match the current time and datetime in csv file?

The first column in the csv file is the date and the second column is the number between 1 and 100 calculated as the indicater.

When the date column and the test time are correct, the number of columns in the second column is received as a variable.

The double value which second column matches the value I calculate in the current test, and then start the transaction.

However, it is difficult to guess the first column and current time.

Where is the problem?

int CurrentTime;

int i;

bool Max_Average=False;
bool NewBar= false;

int data_size=1000;
string file_name = "max.csv";
double data_double_average[];
string data_double_datetime[];
int file_handle = FileOpen(file_name, FILE_READ|FILE_CSV,",");

datetime PreviousBar;

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
int start()
      if(file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE)
      ArrayResize(data_double_datetime, data_size);
    for(i = 0; i< 8760; i++)
            data_double_datetime[i]= FileReadString(file_handle);
            data_double_average[i]= (double)FileReadNumber(file_handle);
            if(data_double_datetime[i]== TimeToStr(TimeCurrent())){
            Print(data_double_datetime[i]==TimeToStr ( TimeCurrent ()));
            Max_Average = data_double_average[i];

//|       one bar on trade                                           |

bool NewBar()

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