Using PRICE constants


Hi, I reently migrated from MQL4 and right now I can't find the right sintax for retrieving specific prices.

I wrote the code below, which produces the error message: 'PRICE_HIGH function not defined' (the same for all the other ones).

I was expecting PRICE_HIGH to be equivalent to iHigh from MQL4, but it seams that it's only a constant, and I have no idea how it should be used.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


void STORE_function20()

CAN4h_max = PRICE_HIGH(_Symbol,240,1);
CAN4h_min = PRICE_LOW(_Symbol,240,1);
CAN4h_close = PRICE_CLOSE(_Symbol,240,1);
CAN4h_open = PRICE_OPEN(_Symbol,240,1);

Documentation on MQL5: Moving from MQL4
Documentation on MQL5: Moving from MQL4
Moving from MQL4 - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

Hi, I reently migrated from MQL4 and right now I can't find the right sintax for retrieving specific prices.

I wrote the code below, which produces the error message: 'PRICE_HIGH function not defined' (the same for all the other ones).

I was expecting PRICE_HIGH to be equivalent to iHigh from MQL4, but it seams that it's only a constant, and I have no idea how it should be used.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


void STORE_function20()

CAN4h_max = PRICE_HIGH(_Symbol,240,1);
CAN4h_min = PRICE_LOW(_Symbol,240,1);
CAN4h_close = PRICE_CLOSE(_Symbol,240,1);
CAN4h_open = PRICE_OPEN(_Symbol,240,1);

MqlRates r[];
int total = CopyRates(Symbol(),PERIOD_H4,0,Bars(Symbol(),PERIOD_H4),r);

double   O = r[index].open,
         H = r[index].high,
         L = r[index].low,
         C = r[index].close;