This forum layout isn't efficient... - page 3


Yes please name them and give an example of where they are:



Drazen Penic:

Then I started answering on forum, and after 2 months I too became rude because when you 100th time answer the same question, it gets a bit too much.
I presume I'm too lazy to create canned answers like whroeder1 does.  People complain about him, but he gives correct answers each time somebody asks a meaningful question.

This is right on, Drazen.

Drazen Penic:

No, we don't.

Two years ago I too thought that older members are a bit too rude with newbies.

Then I started answering on forum, and after 2 months I too became rude because when you 100th time answer the same question, it gets a bit too much.
I presume I'm too lazy to create canned answers like whroeder1 does.  People complain about him, but he gives correct answers each time somebody asks a meaningful question. 

People who are too lazy to do the search on the documentation site or in the help file in the editor do not deserve help. Why should we do their's homework?

Besides that, any self-respecting forum kicks out users who don't do a search and repeatedly ask same questions over and over again. Basic forum etiquette.

Newbies are fine, but flooding forum with, for example, questions about error 13x is just rude behavior. Do the freaking search and read the answers, before you ask something asked and answered dozens of times.

I would say we always have to remain polite and kind, but it's far from easy and sometimes there are some understandable irritations. I suggest to every power users to avoid answering if they are irritated but sometimes it's difficult to refrain to be harsh

Alain Verleyen:
I would say we always have to remain polite and kind, but it's far from easy and sometimes there are some understandable irritations. I suggest to every power users to avoid answering if they are irritated but sometimes it's difficult to refrain to be harsh

I completely agree.