How to write the actual _Symbol in a string?


Need to write a string variable that includes the current chart _Symbol.

How to do this without the letters turning green/not being able to because of it or any other workaround? Dont want to use 40 eas when one will do

nadiawicket: Need to write a string variable that includes the current chart _Symbol.
So what's stopping you? You haven't stated a problem.
It only shows green in the compiler, it won't in any labels, prints or logs.
Keith Watford: It only shows green in the compiler, it won't in any labels, prints or logs.
There are no mind readers here. There is no it visible. There can be only code (which you don't show.)

Need to write a string variable that includes the current chart _Symbol.

How to do this without the letters turning green/not being able to because of it or any other workaround? Dont want to use 40 eas when one will do

Keith Watford:
It only shows green in the compiler, it won't in any labels, prints or logs.

There are no mind readers here. There is no it visible. There can be only code (which you don't show.)

I was replying to the OP. The OP asked about _Symbol displaying in green letters. It was quite obvious to me that he is referring to how _Symbol is displayed in a different colour in the compiler. I didn't think that it was necessary to be Marvin the Mindreader to follow that.

Why would I need to show any code?

Keith Watford: The OP asked about _Symbol displaying in green letters.
  1. Actually OP said the opposite.
    nadiawicket: How to do this without the letters turning green ...

  2. nadiawicket: ... not being able to because of it or ...
    I did mistake your post as a reply, because you both used "it," and I still have no idea what it is.