A great method so far - page 42


if you can work it out then you would see that you would nothing only lose your money, and thats all down to me, i know what im doing just check the trades ugly mouth


LOL I don't need to highlight anything. Believe it or not white text shows up on a darker background. :-)

Again...you have to resort to insults. eBaty decided that you didn't sell what you said you were selling....do you go around insulting them too all day?


"ugly mouth"


Goodnight Benjii, abuse you later i have had my fun

you was not going pal, you said goodnight cos hooya was not online,

LOL I don't need to highlight anything. Believe it or not white text shows up on a darker background. :-) Again...you have to resort to insults. eBaty decided that you didn't sell what you said you were selling....do you go around insulting them too all day?

i dont insult people i see what you are and decided you need putting straight, my trades today have profited $441 on $1 trades, now if anyone has taken them trades they should be happy, but not you, oh no not you, all you done was jump in and spotted the bad which was deliberately done by myself to catch you out, take a look back ugly mouth and see for yourself. You are a bad egg that needs throwing in the bin.

You mentioned earlier that your twitter followers are growing, well what a fucking surprise, just like your website isnt it, you have used me to gain your popularity and thats what you do to get page views.


used you? well just imagine if you had create a profitable trading system that traders could use? You would be raking in with nearly 20,000 traders reading how good it is every month. But you didn't so you can't blame me I am afriad.

I am glad you profited $441 but I bet your traders didn't.


wanna bet pigs mouth


you haven't had one person who has stood up for the system in all these weeks after selling 100s or was it 1000s you said? Speaks volumes.


Gone off topic?

Gone off topic?

Andyelle it came to light that topic after the first 2 pages of this thread is really about Benjii being #1 a liar and he talks shit #2 has no idea what he is doing, he sells half a system and thinks he is a mad cunt......But the truth is he was a amateur that couldn't cut it trading, so then he turned to becoming a amateur marketer (spammer), i think anyone that follows this idiot that can't even understand what a pip is have to be off their heads lol
