The final Holy Grail! - page 3


Yeah closed at 1.34620, lost a bit of the profit unfortunately and the signs were there but hung in too long still took a nice little profit

Buy GBP/USD at 1.5177 waiting for closing position

Close GBP/USD trade at 1.5255


Total profit of the day: 172 pips + profit of yesterday: 79 pips= 251 pips in two single days.

Could we send money by paypal for the system?

Absolutly Not.


Absolutly Not.

Is this a free system for sharing?

Absolutely NOT.


can i ask if youre mainly using breakouts or indicators or both?!



This is a week since I started the live public trading and profit is not bad at all, with 251 pips profit of the day, plus the 299 made in the last 3 days for a total of 550 pips .

Here is the link to precedent live trades and their results: The Holy Grail Forex Strategy | Facebook


Hi, would like to actually see the results or a live video of the trades in action or even a pic of the charts you are using?

RR ratio?

drawdown if kown?

scalp system or longer trading method?

timeframe of charts you use?

Thanks for your time in letting us know......? even thought we know nothing :-)


lols cant buy cant have for nothing

What about email alerts?