Good Coder and Good Trader...Good Mix


Hello to all,

I would imagine there would be a wide and varied talent amongst this forum.

Is there a coder who is prepared to put in their effort with mine and come up with a good combination of both skills.

I have been studying the mkts for many years with their time and price cycles and so many other ways of looking, trading and analysing them.

I am sure with what I know and what a patient coder knows, then there is a massive massive chance to stop playing around with the mkts and get serious and make a killing.

I have noticed (in the very few that I have looked at) that there is very little or No out time in the mkts with the EA's I have seen, they try to get the moves in both directions.........that aint ever going to work.........there is a time to be in ......and there is a time to be out of the mkts, so if there is a coder who is willing to spend some time with me to get an EA sorted out, then please contact me, I can see a masive opportunity here, is someone willing to try.

Just to let you know the simplest approach is always the best, we dont want anything too complicated, but too much simplicity isnt working either.

If the chart attachment works, you will notice where the red verticle lines are, they separate the up and down cycles.

The 2 MACD's are of VERY different perameters, the standard at 12,26,9 and the longer at 12, 150, 12 this clearly shows where the ups and downs are, and in most mkts this works very well (adjust the larger MACD to suit).

The smaller 26 MACD is too choppy for me and kicks me in and out all over the place and you get false signals aswell, so the purpose of the larger MACD is to keep you with the MAIN trend. I dont think its smart to risk a possible 10 to 15 pip stop going for a 20 pip against the trend move. so I want to stay out of them, or ride them out for longer term (possible 2hrs, maybe more or less possibly even days) gain and get the 50 , 80 , 100 or greater move, less effort, more gain.

So with the standard MACD EA, I can see the sense in placing some perameters around the opening and closing of trades, when the 2 MACD's are +0 this clearly indicates long and no short sale is taken WHILE THE 150 MACD IS +0 and visa versa, this will give you the idea anyway, so with an alteration here and there, I think this could be a real winner for who ever wants to use it.

In the example, 7 trades, 5 long, 2 short all VERY profitable.

Imagine doing this while your sleeping .........look ma no hands....

Happy to get into more conversation if required with the interested coder, if any????

Cheers for now

