Some books to download pdf


Keep on update... I always take forex ebooks for learning...thanks


thanks pal it's good to us to learn it



As a newbie, I need all the info i can read and absorb..

Do keep posting.



Newcomer is here.Just want to ask about simple questions.

How to use Volume Indicator to analize market trend in order to set Entry and Exit point??

Which indicators could correlated with volume with better results??


thanks for the contribution !!

Michael Z:
thanks for the contribution !!

Use the THANKS button...


I would suggest that you read "FOOLED BY RANDOMNESS", "THE BLACK SWAN", "HOW WE DECIDE" and "ANIMALS IN TRANSLATION" before you read any trading books.

After you have read the aforementioned books, then read "TRADING IN THE ZONE" and "THE DISCIPLINED TRADER".

If you read those books then the chances of you being fooled by anyone when it comes to trading should be slim and none.



A further complication

One further complication of seeing needs mentioning. The eyes

gather visual information by constantly scanning the environment.

But visual data from "out there," gathered by sight, is not

the end of the story. At least part, and perhaps much of what we

see is changed, interpreted, or conceptualized in ways that

depend on a person's training, mind-set, and past experiences. We

tend to see what we expect to see or what we decide we have seen.

This expectation or decision, however, often is not a conscious

process. Instead, the brain frequently does the expecting and the

deciding, without our conscious awareness, and then alters or

rearranges?or even simply disregards?the raw data of vision

that hits the retina. Learning perception through drawing seems

to change this process and to allow a different, more direct kind of

seeing. The brain's editing is somehow put on hold, thereby permitting

one to see more fully and perhaps more realistically.

This experience is often moving and deeply affecting. My

students' most frequent comments after learning to draw are

"Life seems so much richer now" and "I didn't realize how much

there is to see and how beautiful things are." This new way of seeing

may alone be reason enough to learn to draw.

The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain - document sharing - download The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.pdf


nice share

I learning forex everyone