Long-term Secrets To Short-term Trading


Whether you know it or not, you have been trading commodities all your life. Sure, you may have

never traded a contract of Pork Bellies, but you have almost certainly traded a possession like a car, house,

or antique for someone else’s money or possession. If you have never done that, for sure you have trade

time for money. You have traded your time as a teacher, lawyer, pipe fitter, or ditchdigger for someone

else’s money. So, you are halfway there. you just never knew it

When we trade our time, we are actually trading our time plus our skills. That is why a brain surgeon

gets more per hour than a knee surgeon. That is also why an outstanding quarterback gets more than a

tackle and surgeon combined. He has a greater career risk. It is not that one skill is inherently more

valuable than the other, it is that one is more difficult to come by and carries higher risk. This characteristic

generates more dollars for the person selling his or her time and skills.

There is no intrinsic value to Michael Jordan’s dribbling and shooting skills, but the owner of th

Chicago Bulls saw an opportunity to make a great deal of money with those seemingly valueless skills by.... ...



Hm... Interesting. Thank you for link.