Hull Moving Average



I recently spoke with Alan Hull about obtaining a copy of his Moving Average Incicator, here's what he said.

Hi Wayne

We only provide the intellectual property which is the attached article and it is up to the software providers to add it in to their products - I would suggest that you go back to your own software provider and ask if they will upgrade their program using the attached article as a guide....



ActVest Pty Ltd
ACN: 101 040 939

Ph: 03 9778 7061

I took Alan's advice and contacted support at MultiCharts, I have a Life licence to use their charting software, and here's what they told me.:

Dear Wayne,

To have Hull Moving Average work in MultiCharts all that needs to be done is to import this indicator into PLEditor. The indicator itself can be found here

Best regards,

Marina Pashkova
TS Support

I've tried following the link they provided but get an error saying the page can't be found. I then did a Google search which led me to this forum. Since reading some of the posts on this forum, it appears there may in fact be more than just a simple weightrd moving average available. Could you tell me if you could assist me in implementing Alans indicator perhaps use the info to make one for me.

Thanks in advance,
Fax: 03 9778 7062
