soybean !!!


as it look's to me,there is an opportunity .the past month was one big correction (zig-zag).

and in the chart atached we can see that w:4 ended in

16.8.07 at 789 points.

and the up move is the beginning of w:1 of 5

so,we can assume that the bullish market is on !!

only a break bellow 789 will deffer the scenario.

24.8.07.gif  13 kb

i hope that those few that r in.

or that bother 2 get in ?!

had the time to fasten the seats belt !!!

31.8.07.gif  14 kb

the soybeans is still flying high !!

5.9.07.gif  14 kb

What kind of analysis do u do? It seems that u r using elliot waves patterns. Is it some indicator for MT4 or u added these info manually through the editing tools?


it's all manually through the editing tools.

5.9.07_8h.gif  14 kb

some times

1 chart is better then a lot of explanations

here u have 2 charts !!


unbeliveble what is going on with the soybeans. such a demand ?

in the first 2 week's of sep. the soybeans went up by +10.5%....

20.9.07.gif  12 kb

as it look's ? it is finnaly a correction time.

i guess we will have to wait & see how the correction will unfold ?!

a breach of 1017.75 will defer the scenario !!

5.10.07.gif  14 kb
as it look's ? it is finnaly a correction time.i guess we will have to wait & see how the correction will unfold ?!a breach of 1017.75 will defer the scenario !!

the correction is still on.

& it look's to me that w:c of 2/b is imminent.

19.10.07.gif  14 kb

all in all,the move up continue.suported by high oil price !!

2.11.07.gif  14 kb

what can we say ?

the soybean is in a strong uptrend !!!

there is a bearish div. but only a break bellow 1017.75 will defer the scenario !!

16.11.07_8h.gif  12 kb
16.11.07.gif  14 kb