Alerts not appering on phone


I setup my phone to receive push notification. This was setup successfully I even done the test.

I coded support resistance zones with alerts, this alerts appear on my computer as requested. But I still not receiving such notification on my phone.

What am I doing wrong? Can anyone help?



Well maybe you need to switch it on first.

How about some code ?

You think we are mind readers ?


Opps it doesn't actually have push notification setup.

How do I change the 'UseEmailAlerts' to mobile instead?

void SendAlert(string dir)
   string per = TimeframeToString(Period());
   if (UseAlerts)
      Alert(dir + " Pinbar on ", Symbol(), " @ ", per);
   if (UseEmailAlerts)
      SendMail(Symbol() + " @ " + per + " - " + dir + " Pinbar", dir + " Pinbar on " + Symbol() + " @ " + per + " as of " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()));

jason02: How do I change the 'UseEmailAlerts' to mobile instead?
  1. Don't paste code
    Play video
    Please edit your post.
    For large amounts of code, attach it

  2. Perhaps you should read the manual. SendNotification