My inquiry


Hello,fellow traders and well wisher.

please, i want to know if anybody has the idea on how to design a website that will purposely be used for managing forex account for traders such that any trade i perform on my masters account, will be automatically carried out on the mt4  account of my subscribers.

i want it in such a way that no other person will be proving the trade signal if not me. which means that anybody who registers is registering for subscribing to my auto trading signal.

Also, i want it to be in such a way that i will be the one who fix the monthly subscription fee.

and anybody who visit the site will have a picture of the chart which shows my performance, such as growth rate, draw down, average monthly return, yearly return and number of win trade per month, per week and even per year, plus total number of position opened in a year, month with the ratio of sell position to buy position.

i want those information to be visible to a visitor of the site even before registration. it is after seeing it that the person can be convince on the decision to take or not.

if anybody has idea on how to achieve this, the person should please, get back to me let us discuss.

my email id is;