Draghi's been hacked


Well, his email has

Two rogues have been arrested for hacking the email accounts of Mario Draghi and Matteo Renzi.

Draghi had his Bank of Italy email account hacked. The ECB have come out to say there's been no successful email breach their side.

The two hackers were a brother and sister team and many email accounts were hacked, including the Vatican.

It looks like the duo were after information to use for trading in their Westland Securities investment firm.

Reuters has more.

What else is new? :) :) :)
That is funny and sad at the same time. If Draghi e-mail is not secured enough what we could say about ours.
That is funny and sad at the same time. If Draghi e-mail is not secured enough what we could say about ours.
It just shows how "smart" they are (starting from his pass that is God in 90% of cases)
It just shows how "smart" they are (starting from his pass that is God in 90% of cases)
He probably uses "Maxi God" :)