Tuning a system to pinpoint breakouts at the very start of a cycle, but also the start of dumb money volatility near the end of a cycle. - page 2

Using ADX indis iv'e just customized.  Top one for going short, bottom for long.
Notice the false signal being on the wrong side of the grey i-shark line.  The red stochs are clearly heading downwards sharply.  the encircled yellow and green koufer indi area is the dumb money zone.  The price drops sharply directly prior to the end of the 5 minute cycle as the koufer line pushes hard against the 0 line.  refer to 1 minute chart always, especially as the koufer and the RSI lido start arcing.

Let's go a step back.  Notice the signal to go short at the red arrow, but look at the white bb on the DZS (middle indi window).....It's still widening, as there's still upwards volatility, it's also exemplified with the behaviour of the faster red stochs, it's showing a spike down but the price really does nothing, that little bit of volitility remaining is still upwards, it's coming to the end of it though, as we have that spike right before the green arrow, the very start of the next full cycle.  There's another little dummy breakout shown with the last blue bar between the verticle lines, but again, zoom in on those faster red stochs and look at their position,  the true cycle can't start if those faster red stochs are heading upward as sharp as they are shown buy the red arrow in the 2nd pic. (To negotiate these areas, especially that 30 or so pip wick at the green arrow in the first pic, learn how to use tick charts to break it down even further.   If someones an expert on tick charts, info would be highly appreciated.) The yellow and green koufer has already taken off, but remember, that position is even better, as price acceleration is normally apparent above the 65 or below the 35 lines, exactly where it is at the signal, hence the huge spike downwards, and that is where the blue and white RSI lido works.  The erratic pendulum action of the lido end will show the last remaining upward volatility being exhausted prior to it hammering down, meeting the exponential acceleration (take note of the price,) of the yellow koufer.


This is the 1 minute chart of the same position.  Notice at each stoploss killzone (the red x's) where the reversal has faked out, the price has exponentially spiked downwards at the green arrows.  We've got a signal on the right side of the i-shark line this time, and the white bb has squeezed up on the DZS, but notice the red 40 stoch is falling sharply, the green and yellow koufer has broken free before the false signal anyway, so therefore we wait for the next cycle on this chart where it ends at the gold arrow where we have the new signal. The 2 signals in between showing to go short are potentially profitable as you're going with the dumb money, but the fact that the red 40 stoch is hard on the 0 line waiting to go long makes it a very unwise decision, the blue and white lido is also in the dead zone with nothing really behind it at all to go down a great distance as it's already happened noticing the huge build up prior to the last huge spike downwards.  It comes down again into that killzone which is apparent prior to the start of the true cycle.   Soon I'll be adding my customized ADX indicators to really pinpoint trade execution and stop areas.
Использование ADX INDIS iv'e просто настроить. Топ один для короткой позиции, дно долго.
The system has the appearance after installation.

Сделать нормальную структуру.

Make a normal pattern.


The system has the appearance after installation.

Сделать нормальную структуру.

Make a normal pattern.


I've posted all the indicators required, and i've saved and posted the template......what am I doing wrong?

lot of hokus pokus 

try this


lot of hokus pokus 

try this

That's pretty awesome....settings are pretty extravagant though,  do you mind passing on some recommended settings to get the jump on it?
Actually, it seems straight forward enough, thanks for that man ;)

your template does not work. Here I threw everything into a heap.