'The fat lady sings period 1'


I downloaded a zigzag indicator and it gives an alert 'The fat lady sings EURUSD period 1 ' can someone tell me why it gives this alert?

I downloaded a zigzag indicator and it gives an alert 'The fat lady sings EURUSD period 1 ' can someone tell me why it gives this alert?

Because someone wrote that in the code. Change it in the code (you shall find it easily) and you can make it "tell" whatever toy want


Thank you Mladen for all your explanation I understand that someone wrote this sentense for an alert, but do you have any idea for what it means (indicator is the X-Wave Indicator)

Thank you Mladen for all your explanation I understand that someone wrote this sentense for an alert, but do you have any idea for what it means (indicator is the X-Wave Indicator)


I don't know. Looks to me like the coder was a bit tipsy at the moment when s/he wrote that