Stop Hunt and barrier defense


Hello . Main point from where i came to this system was long journey. I tried lot of systems which based on indicators it was from 2006 nothing worked for me. Then i start thinking why nothing is working, maybe it is my problem and not systems what i tested . i discovered that money and risk management is important then trading system, my results became better but it was not what i want. I was looking for reasons, way price changing and i understood price changing because Supply-demand nothing else all other things just intermediate between me and price. Then i discovered how "big boys" manipulate with price, they need liquidity for big size position. I was trying to understand why and when they are buying end selling and i came to trading system i call it "Stop Hunt and barrier defense" and i want to share it with you . I will use currency futures, order flow and price action analysis. i uploaded pics of trading setups, most of the time we will use them. If you wanna follow my trading system you will need currency futures date google for it and you will find. For order flow analysis we will use technical analysis we will think how people using technical analysis and we will discover were can be stops and pending orders from market Participants and how can "big boys" use this info and we will try to use this in our trading .

Videos how i am using this system for trading.

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i like this scenario for trading decision, if i see things going like this, i will start looking place with good R/R. for entry

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